As the World economy continues to deteriorate, automobile manufacturers around the world have growing concerns about the future. As foreign cars continue to
with no place to go, America’s Southern auto workers, where state subsidized factories have
Unless the financial situation eases up, and credit once again begins to flow, car sales will continue to lag, and dealers, with massive inventories will no doubt continue to fold under their financial burdens. We will continue to see governments support their respective auto manufacturers, and we will see consolidation of offshore manufacturers, as I would expect to see with GM and parts of Chrysler.
The job of the auto czar will indeed be a difficult task, especially with a very shortened time frame of March 31. All three companies have been in the process of re-structuring, and have definitely improved the quality of their offerings, but the American car buyer remains more skeptical than they should be. Old beliefs die-hard and this is the number one obstacle that I believe has to be addressed and overcome. However, no re-structuring plan can succeed without the support of us, the American consumer. We will need to stand up and be counted to make a difference.
For example, from GM, the Chevy Malibu, an old name that has been totally revamped, was voted the JD Powers #1 in initial quality, and is a very strong alternative to both the Camry and Honda Accord, in quality and affordability. Check out the Malibu and take a look at the awards it has won. While you’re at it, why not check out the Ford Fusion, and the Chrysler 300, all of which are greatly improved and able to compete with their offshore counterparts.
I believe that we as Americans must do what we can to support the few manufacturing industries we have in this country, and the automobile industry is one in which we are capable of competing, and with a strong domestic market, supported by our citizenry, we can grow our base create jobs which is something we desperately need to do.
Don’t forget to check out the other offerings of what used to be the Big 3, as they are making and selling both quality and value that enables them to compete with their rivals.
We, with a commitment to support our local manufacturers can MAKE A DIFFERENCE FOR THE FUTURE OF OUR GREAT COUNTRY