Monday, December 22, 2008


As you may have deduced if you’ve read my previous posts, (if not, have a look) I am not much of a fan of our President George W. Bush. I have no doubt he’d be a wonderful guy to sit down and have a beer (non alcoholic for him) with, and perhaps a pretzel or two if he promises not to choke, but I must say I’d rather he stayed the owner of a baseball team, rather than becoming the (not very arguably) worst President in history. I often wonder who makes up the 11% of his approval rating, other than wife, daughters, and Vice-President

However, after a good deal of procrastination,he made the right decision to come out in support of auto manufacturers GM & Chrysler, while Ford stayed on the sidelines, for at least the foreseeable future. So I say ATTA BOY! Mr. President. Even though it came at the end of your administration, and brought a good deal of flack from your Republican mates who only wanted to subsidize foreign manufacturers based in their home states, and screw the rest of the nation, you finally got a set of Gonads and got something right! And yet you were still able to maintain your perpetual ambivalence as you consciously authorized just enough to put it onto President Elect Obama’s already jammed “fix it platter.” Good JOB!

We will see in the coming weeks, I believe Europe started already, significant loans to their manufacturers, and the current lion of the industry, Toyota, as reported by Business Week has started a major discount program, and will report their 1st ever operating loss

This is not just a Detroit problem, it is a World Wide economic meltdown, and one of the most important things, we as Americans need to understand, is that we MUST keep Congress accountable as they give away our money to undeserving failed bank executives. We must let them know this cannot continue as we move toward ethics in Government, a HUGE challenge.

If we are going to use bailouts, let’s finance something that can make a difference and provide jobs, like the automobile business, rather than under performing Executive pockets. Now that we as citizens are all partial owners of our GM & Chrysler with our bailout, we should know something about our investment.


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